Welcome to Spot-link

More than 149240 audiences ! Watch & participate in events.

  Our Services  

For Hosts

We handpick documentaries and guest speakers to suit your event.

For Hosts

We design event programs for serial film screenings and discussions.

For Film Screening Facilities

We provide documentaries to fill your screening collection needs.

For Directors/ Producers

We tailor-make distribution plans for your documentary works.

For Subjects of Documentaries

We connect the public with our media to help share your stories in our documentaries.

For Audiences

We offer plenty of content for personal viewing or purchasing pleasure.

More than 149240 audiences, come to Spot-link Cinema.

Spot-link Cinema is a space for people to better understand the world and themselves by joining together to communicate with and care for each other.

Recent Content

Singing in the Papaya Darden

Old Pharmacy

Spot-link Cinema

Proving the power of documentaries through quality and sincerity.


Happy Hosts


Total Screenings


Total Attendees


People Featured in Documentaries


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